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Law Firms Are Embracing the Practice of Law New


The practice of law is constantly changing. Law firms must adapt to new challenges that often come up quickly or risk losing clients to competitors who are ready to take them on a different path. One way some legal firms are doing this is by embracing a practice known as “law new.” This term, which can be hard to define, refers to a number of practices that can help lawyers reach out to clients in unique ways. It may mean working with underserved communities or creating strategies that have not been part of standard legal practice in the past.

A new law is a statute, act, or other regulation passed by Congress that has not yet been published in the Federal Register or included in the Statutes at Large. When a law is enacted, it goes through a process in which it is researched, discussed, and changed by members of the Senate and House of Representatives. If the bill is voted on and passes both bodies, it becomes a law. If it is approved by the President, it becomes a public law and is published in the Federal Register as a slip law text.

New laws are often created in the aftermath of a data breach, when private information is accessed by unauthorized individuals. The New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection is seeking to strengthen the law that requires City agencies to notify employees and job applicants when their personal information has been accessed or disclosed by an unauthorized person.

This legislation would require third-party food delivery services to obtain a license, repeal the existing subchapter of chapter 5 of title 20 of the administrative code that contains the regulations for third-party delivery services, and add provisions to make the licensing scheme more consistent with requirements in New York State’s SHIELD Act. It also would amend the law that requires City agencies to disclose the identity of the private identifying information of persons who have suffered a data breach and provide those persons with an opportunity to request their personal information back. The City would also be required to promptly share this information with the Federal Trade Commission and New York State’s chief privacy officer.