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How to Write a Current Events Summary


We all watch news, but do you really know what it means? What are the various types of news stories? Are they about reality or are they about political pressures and ideological biases? The first category is called the Mirror Model, which describes how the news is presented by skilled people for a specific audience. It is also called the Bargaining Model, and it focuses on applying pressure to governmental processes. In addition to the Mirror Model, the Political Model is another type of model that highlights how news reflects various political pressures and ideological biases of people.

Current events

Write a current events summary, a quick review of a recent news story. Choose a story that interests you and read it completely. Make note of the main facts, dates, reasons, and how the story happened. Include a brief summary, along with any additional details you would like to add. You can include a link to the full article, if you’d like. Your current events summary should be around three hundred words long.


It is not surprising that violence in the news is a hot topic. Television newsrooms should show more footage of violent events, not only to keep viewers interested, but also to create a more realistic context. According to University at Buffalo assistant professor Matthew Grizzard, showing graphic content makes viewers care more. Children, in particular, prefer cartoons to the news. But why is violence so common? What does it have to do with the media and our everyday lives?


While the mainstream media remains important gatekeepers for news stories, social media and specialist investigative sites add voices and complexity to the reporting process. The resulting news coverage of scandals is unpredictable, with the pace and content shifting constantly. The media’s focus on the person behind the scandal often favors simplified stories of hero and villains. In contrast, the media’s focus on the public and political system has the potential to change.


Traditionally, news has been evaluated for its timely nature. The importance of news in the public’s life is measured by its timeliness. In the Middle Ages, timeliness was less important, especially if events were understood in religious terms. Hence, a story that was months old would still be appropriate for a sermon. However, as the media developed, the emphasis on timing increased. Increasingly, the press was adapting to the Web, making news coverage more timely and relevant.


The idea of exclusivity in news is disappearing. Newspapers are no longer exclusive, and readers are no longer only interested in world events. Instead, they want context and an explanation of what that event means for their lives. But the concept of exclusivity is fading from news sources, and it is becoming more difficult for a newspaper to stay competitive. In this article, we’ll explore some ways to re-establish exclusivity in news.


How can you improve your shareability of news? By engaging in shareability analytics. By doing this, you can identify the most interesting headlines that will generate more social engagement. As social media becomes a primary distribution channel for news, headlines must be both informative and shareable to draw readers in. The following are some tips to help you improve your shareability. Here are some best practices. How to use shareability analytics in your newsroom: