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How to Stay Up-To-Date With the Latest News


daily news

When the news comes out each day, it can feel like a chore to keep up. But if you want to have an intelligent discussion with a coworker, client or colleague, or be prepared for the next meeting, you need to know what’s happening in the world. Gone are the days of flipping through morning cable news as you get dressed or eat breakfast; today’s best networkers rely on a host of digital tools, from email newsletters to apps, to stay up-to-date before their workday begins.

If you’re looking for the most up-to-the-minute news, you should check out the New York Daily News, which was once America’s largest newspaper and is considered to have pioneered the tabloid genre. Its sensational crime, scandal, and sports coverage and lurid photographs made the newspaper famous throughout the country. The Daily News was also known for its conservative, populist political stance and its support of isolationism during World War II.

In recent years, the paper has been under financial and editorial trouble, due in part to ruthless cost-cutting by its hedge fund owner. Its journalists have criticized the company’s management, but the Daily News continues to publish despite its current turmoil.

Founded on January 28, 1878, the Yale Daily News is the oldest college daily newspaper in the United States. The News is independent of the university and serves students, faculty, and alumni of Yale, as well as members of the greater New Haven community. It is available online and in print Monday through Friday during the academic year. The News also publishes a weekly supplement, WKND, a Friday magazine called Need 2 Know, and special issues in collaboration with the campus community, including the Yale-Harvard Game Day Issue, the Commencement Issue and the First Year Issue.

Need 2 Know delivers the top news stories each day in a concise, easy to read email. You can sign up for this free email here.

A product of the tech titan Marissa Mayer’s revitalization of Yahoo, this sleek iPhone app is a great place to start your day. The news app aggregates the most important stories from multiple reputable sources and compiles them into one digest, complete with key quote call-outs, video clips, Wikipedia excerpts, relevant maps, tweets, and more. It’s a must-have for any mobile professional.