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Business Services and Product Differentiation


Business services

Business services are distinct from economic services, but share some common characteristics. Businesses are concerned with building a service system and are both service providers and service consumers. They provide goods and services to their customers and provide support to them. In addition, they seek ways to differentiate their products and services to customers. Here are some ways to differentiate your products or services:

Economic services

Economic services include a wide range of activities that are crucial to the operation of a business. These activities range from architecture and IT to legal and human resources services. They also include employment services and facilities management. Overall, business services contribute to more than 10% of the GDP in the EU. These services are essential to many sectors of the economy and are increasingly used to enhance the value of products and services.

The service sector accounts for more than half of the global economy. It encompasses almost all industries and is the third part of the three-sector economy. The primary and secondary sectors are industries that produce tangible goods. The service sector produces intangible goods.

Supporting services

The support services a company offers are essential to the success of its core programs and processes. They are usually performed by separate departments and provide the necessary resources to ensure the completion of a project on time and on budget. These services can help a company maintain a positive reputation in the marketplace, boost customer satisfaction, and foster better relationships with employees and external stakeholders.

Supporting services include everything from customer service to inventory management to website development. Outsourcing these services can save you time and money by eliminating the need to hire additional employees. They can also increase your brand awareness and customer loyalty by reducing the time spent troubleshooting.


Outsourcing business services is the practice of contracting out certain activities to a third party. These companies are often specialized in certain areas and will do the work that a company would not be able to complete on its own. For example, a large energy company may outsource its fuel supply. The aerospace industry may also outsource some of its functions. Some companies do not even produce anything; instead, they use a network of partners that specialize in various production types. The main goal of these companies is to sell products to the market.

While outsourcing has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages. First, it can lead to security risks and additional legal responsibilities, which can disrupt the work flow of an organization. Secondly, it can create a communication gap, which can lead to delays in the completion of projects.

Product differentiation

In business, product differentiation is crucial to creating a competitive advantage and attracting customers. There are many ways to create a differentiating feature for your product. These can include price, packaging, quality, customer service, and overall experience. Some examples include makeup companies offering a unique online tool that allows people to find the right foundation shade for them. Another example is a tennis shoe company that lets customers customize each component of their shoes. Customers are willing to pay more for these types of features.

Product differentiation helps businesses build brand awareness and create a positive relationship with their target audience. It is important to understand the needs and wants of your target audience to better create a differentiation strategy. Identifying their preferences will help you develop a product differentiation strategy that will help them choose your product over your competitors.

Legal barriers

The barriers to entry for businesses offering business services are varied. In some countries, start-up costs are high, while others are highly regulated, making it difficult for new firms to enter. Barriers to entry can also include patent protection and brand identity. In addition, it can be expensive to switch to a different provider. Ultimately, these barriers can be prohibitive to the growth of a business.

In the US, regulatory barriers to entry can be imposed by the government or small cities. One of the most common examples is patents, which block competitors from using the same product. However, once a patent expires, it is free for competitors to copy the product and compete. Other examples of legal barriers are licenses, which are required to operate in certain industries. For example, a salt business cannot produce salt without a license.